
Data Backup and Recovery

We help small and mid-sized Kiwi businesses protect their mission-critical data. Develop resilience and maintain business continuity with our data backup and disaster recovery solutions.

Your data is exposed to unprecedented risks.

Whether your data is stored on-premises or in the cloud, protecting it from evolving cyber threats is vital to maintaining business continuity.

Data loss can result from various sources, which include:
Cyber attacks
Ransomware is a significant security threat, leading to financial losses, trust erosion, and even business failure.
Natural disasters
While cloud storage offers some safeguards, data centres can still be vulnerable to natural disasters. Implementing a disaster recovery plan is crucial for data restoration and maintaining service availability.
Human error
Human error is a leading cause of permanent data loss. Accidental data deletion and unplanned power outages can disrupt your operations.

The problem is handling data backups and recovery in-house can be costly and resource-intensive. Some of the challenges you could be facing include:

Lack of a recovery strategy
Without an effective recovery strategy, your efforts to back up data and maintain their recoverability won’t turn into tangible results.
Lack of proactive management

It’s vital your backups are checked regularly to ensure they are error free. Regular recovery also ensures there will be no problems when you need to recover. Without proactive management these things can slip between the cracks.

Increasing tech costs

Implementing disaster recovery solutions can be costly – not only to set-up but also to cope with ever expanding storage requirements and the subsequent need to keep investing in storage space.

Lacking cyber security
Protecting your backups is just as important as protecting your production site. Without proactive threat detection and security measures, your data remains at risk.
Data Backup and Recovery | CodeBlue NZ

The CodeBlue answer: develop business resilience with robust data backup and recovery solutions

At CodeBlue, our data backup and recovery solution is key to ensuring the safety and continuity of your business operations. We understand modern businesses rely heavily on their digital assets. And the loss of critical data can have catastrophic consequences.

With our data backup and recovery service, we take a vigilant approach to safeguarding your data. We monitor everything, from operating systems to cloud storage, to ensure that your data is protected at all times.

Our dedicated team works tirelessly to secure your most important data and business intellectual property, shielding you from the financial impact and reputational damage that data loss could result in.

We go beyond the basics, offering a structured approach that ensures your essential IT needs are met, such as help desk support, access to field engineers, patching, software updates, and security operations. Moreover, we tailor our services to your unique requirements, offering additional services like backup, cyber security, and hardware procurement as needed.

Start protecting your data before it’s too late.

Book an appointment with one of our experts to discuss your data backup and recovery options.

Tangible benefits for your business

At CodeBlue, our priority is to keep your mission-critical data secure, with a backup and recovery solution that caters to your needs and enables you to focus on your core business initiatives.
Ransomeware protection
With CodeBlue’s data backup and recovery solution, you can rest easy knowing that your data is secure from ransomware. We provide healthy, fully recoverable backups of your mission-critical data, ensuring that you won’t be forced to pay a ransom to retrieve your information.
Proactive recovery
Disaster can strike at any moment, and the key to resilience is planning ahead. Together we will help you formulate a business continuity plan to ensure your organisation can jump back quickly after any form of disruption, whether it’s a cyber-attack, accidental data deletion, natural disaster, or any other unforeseen event.
Technology roadmap planning
Our team of experts will collaborate with you to determine the best backup solution for your needs. We’ll create a customised technology roadmap plan to ensure your files are backed up securely and can be recovered seamlessly.
Seamless implementation

Our experienced engineers will put your chosen solution into action. With our locally based Network Operations Centre (NOC) backing us up, you can trust that your data protection solution is in capable hands, monitored and managed by experts.

Meet compliance requirements
CodeBlue’s data backup and recovery solution ensures that you maintain archives and records of your operations and customer data, which is essential for both national and international compliance requirements.

The CodeBlue advantage

CodeBlue sets itself apart through a unique combination of experience, local expertise, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction.

With a strong presence in New Zealand for over two decades, we’ve established a track record helping local businesses meet their critical business challenges. Our extensive experience provides us with the maturity, systems, and processes necessary to deliver reliable solutions to our partners.

We are a proudly Kiwi company — a local partner with a deep understanding of the unique needs of the New Zealand market.

We’re also part of the Fujifilm Group of companies, so you know that we’re backed by an internationally-recognised brand synonymous with innovation and new thinking. Our customers get the best of both worlds: an established name familiar with Kiwis’ unique needs, with the support of one of the world’s foremost technology companies.

What truly differentiates us is our commitment to service quality. Our average response time is just 18 seconds for service desk calls, showcasing our  dedication to providing immediate assistance.

Additionally, we hold a Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) rating of 94% for ticket resolution. This underscores our focus on delivering exceptional service, fast.

We don’t only answer calls fast, but also resolve issues just as quickly.

CodeBlue’s reach extends to over 300 organisations. Our client portfolio spans a diverse range of firms – from small businesses to larger corporations. We don’t bind any into long-term contracts. All agreements are based on open terms, with a flexible 90-day notice period. This flexibility provides clients with the freedom to adapt their data backup and disaster recovery solutions to changing business needs.

Start protecting your business assets now.

Contact us today to discuss your backup and recovery needs so we can tailor a suitable solution for you.

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Data Backup and Recovery FAQs

The backup procedures involve making a copy of your data at the production site, and then moving this copy to a secondary backup site, typically a remote one. The recovery site must be easily accessible in case of disaster. 

Setting up a cloud backup encompasses:

  • Subscribing to a cloud backup service
  • Getting things ready (software installation, plan customisation, etc)
  • Choosing the data that needs to be backed up and the backup frequency

Disaster recovery typically comprises the following steps:

  • Gathering a DR team
  • Setting objectives 
  • Collecting information and assessing the status quo
  • Creating a risk assessment plan
  • Testing and documentation

There are 3 different backup and recovery methods. These include:

  • Complete Backup: The complete backup method creates a backup for your entire product site.
  • Incremental backup: Incremental backups only create new backups of the files that were modified after the latest backup was created.
  • Differential backup: In a differential backup, only the files that were changed are copied. 

Backup and recovery is the process of creating copies of your data, called backups, and transferring these backups to an off-site location that can be accessed and recovered in case of a disaster.

Data backup and recovery are essential for maintaining business continuity, minimising downtime, avoiding hefty revenue losses, and boasting a solid business reputation.

The 3-2-1 rule of backups is a widely recommended strategy for data backup and recovery. It provides a simple and effective framework to ensure data redundancy and resilience against various types of data loss scenarios.

The rule is as follows:

  • 3 Copies of Your Data: Maintain at least three copies of your data. This means having the original data plus two additional copies. These copies can be stored on different storage media or in different locations.
  • 2 Different Storage Types: Store the copies of your data on at least two different types of storage media.
  • 1 Offsite Backup: Keep at least one copy of your data offsite or in a remote location. This provides protection against localized events such as theft, fire, or natural disasters that could affect all copies of your data stored in a single location.

Following the 3-2-1 rule helps ensure redundancy, diversity, and geographic separation of backups, reducing the risk of data loss due to hardware failure, human error, cyber attacks, or catastrophic events. It’s a straightforward yet effective guideline for building robust backup and recovery strategies for both individuals and businesses.