
Effective healthcare IT support: It’s about people, not technology

After successfully delivering IT support for many local healthcare organisations over the past few years, one thing has become clear: healthcare is about people, delivered by people, to improve people’s lives. Yet, we’ve often found that healthcare clients tend to address their IT needs and strategy from a purely technological standpoint. That’s a big mistake.

In healthcare most frontline workers are well versed in the ‘human’ aspects of their work: empathy, understanding, compassion and customer service — not technology. There are strong elements of Kaupapa Maori intertwined in this, particularly for organisations delivering Iwi-based healthcare, wellness services and whanau support.

Stephan Potgieter
Business Development Manager

IT Infrastructure Library as our framework

There’s a set of principles and procedures for technology projects we follow at CodeBlue called the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) which broadly sets out the standards for service delivery, so that every client can expect an assurance of quality. 

Many aspects of these procedures are highly standardised, with the majority of managed service providers adopting ITIL as their primary benchmark. ITIL is widely acknowledged and leverages established best practices for the maintenance of computers, computer services, and infrastructure.

Overlaying the human element

What you won’t find in the ITIL manuals is what we at CodeBlue consider essential in effective service delivery for healthcare and other organisations: the human element of IT projects and getting to know you. What’s important to you and your organisation are essential components of looking after your people and their IT.

When we understand your business, culture, and know your firm’s purpose, we can provide a meaningful technology roadmap. People, processes, and technologies change all the time, so while your technology roadmap is flexible, it all starts with a clear plan for the next three years with regular reviews along the way to adjust course as necessary.

One point of contact

At CodeBlue we also offer a single point of contact, making it easy for your people to get the help they need. We believe that we’re only as good as our last interaction, so we don’t tie you into any long-term contracts. 

Embracing the philosophy of mahi tahi (collaborating as one), our commitment extends beyond mere service provision. In healthcare and every other partnership, we stand prepared to collaborate seamlessly with your IT staff, integrating them into the ‘CodeBlue family.’ This integration offers your team complete access to our technology, monitoring systems, call logging applications, cybersecurity tools, and processes.

What’s technology’s purpose?

In our view, IT is less about technology and more about the people who utilise it. In essence, the mantra “he tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata” (people, people, people) underscores our belief that the human factor is paramount in the realm of IT.

Want to know more?

What’s essential for effective service delivery for healthcare and other organisations? It’s the human element of IT projects and getting to know you.