Project Description

Maintaining Your
Health & Mental Well-Being

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As many of us acclimatise to working from home, it’s important to acknowledge some of the challenges that come along with it. Keeping data and applications secure is critical but so to is maintaining your health and mental well-being. Here are some top tips to consider when working from home.

1. Create a comfortable workspace

Having the right environment to focus is critical for productivity. The beauty of the home office is that you can tailor it specifically to your needs. We recommend a quality chair for back support and having a designated space that is separate from your living area – as when the two become joined the line between work and relaxation inevitably becomes blurred & potentially limits productivity.

2. Maintain a regular routine

Just because you’re not having to walk, drive or catch public transport to work, we recommend maintaining a daily work routine as if you were. Get out of bed at the same time each morning, shower, get dressed and eat breakfast as if you were about to leave the house for work. Take coffee or lunch breaks at the same time each day. When working from home, there is always that little inclination to keep working past 5 o’clock because it’s there, but this can lead to unhealthy habits and burnout down the track so ensure you are logging off at the same time each evening.

3. Try to stay as active as possible

In self-isolation, it can be tricky to stay active and get your daily dose of physical activity. If you’re someone that walks to work and walks regularly, try to maintain that as much as possible. Perhaps download a fitness app or explore an online exercise class, such as Pilates or Yoga that can easily be done in your living room. Being couped up inside for long periods of time can be harmful to your mental well-being, and physical activity is a known source of releasing oxytocin, so try to stay as active as possible.

4. Incorporate virtual social gatherings

Being in isolation can take its toll over time. If your office would have regular social outings or Friday drinks at the end of the week, we recommend continuing this but as a virtual gathering. It’s important to communicate and socialise on things that aren’t directly attached to work, it helps give team members an outlet and unwind and relax.

5. Collaborate and communicate as often as possible

Without the ability to walk across the office and ask a question, having the right tools and technology to effectively communicate is a must. Staff members’ devices and software applications can help facilitate collaboration and productivity, but the connection with team members also helps mental well-being. The new HP Elite Dragonfly powered by Intel® Core™ Processors is just one great example of a device that can facilitate such communication when paired with the right applications.

At CodeBlue, we understand these are challenging times for us all, and the health and well-being of our community is of the utmost importance. If you need support or assistance with keeping your remote workforce productive, secure and happy during this time than please reach out, our team is here to help.

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